The National Society of Black Engineers – Minnesota, Twin Cities Professionals Chapter (NSBE – TCPC), as a local organization, does hereby dedicate itself to develop intensive programs to increase the participation of African Americans and other ethnic groups in the field of engineering, computer science, math, applied sciences and other technology to develop a standard of excellence among minority students, practicing engineers, and physical/computer scientists by forming The Gateway Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers Alumni Extension, a non-profit organization. These programs will be initiated within the business and academic community and will serve to strengthen relations between professional industry and the Black community. Members of this organization are encouraged to join and participate in their individual professional societies. This organization will endeavor to provide general counseling to all.
Article I. Name and Type professions.
This non-profit organization is the Minnesota, Twin Cities Professionals Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota and whose headquarters are located in Alexandria, Virginia. The name of this NSBE chapter shall be the National Society of Black Engineers – Minnesota, Twin Cities Professionals Chapter (NSBE – TCPC).
The objectives of the Minnesota, Twin Cities Professionals Chapter of NSBE shall be to advance the African American and other ethnic group engineers in professional industry; to promote and retain the number of students studying engineering at the graduate and undergraduate levels; to stimulate and develop students interest in engineering; and to support NSBE and its student chapters.
Section 1. Membership in the NSBE – TCPC shall be designated as alumni member or affiliate member.
Section 2. Alumni members shall be defined as:
i) a baccalaureate graduate from an accredited educational institution or program with a degree in engineering, engineering technology, computer science, math, or applied/physical science, or
ii) a graduate student who has received an undergraduate degree in engineering, engineering technology, computer science, math, or applied/physical science, or
iii) an individual who has an Engineer-In-Training or Professional Engineers certification and
iv) has registered via NSBE-Online (NOL) through the payment of annual membership dues.
b) Affiliate member shall be defined as a person who does not meet the definition of alumni member but who has contributed through efforts in support of the goals of the NSBE – TCPC.
c) TCPC Chapter members shall be defined as a person who has paid local, TCPC chapter level dues and has selected TCPC as their chapter affiliation via NOL.
Section 3. Application for the NSBE – TCPC membership must be submitted to the organization for review. After the application has been reviewed by the Chairperson of the Membership Committee, the Chairperson shall recommend to the Executive Board acceptance or rejection. Upon acceptance, membership will be processed in a manner acceptable to both the national organization and the local chapter.
Section 4. Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, ethnic group, age, national origin, or sexual preference.
Section 5. Membership may be forfeited or terminated upon violation of any rule or by-law and/or any conduct determined by the Executive Board or a majority of the NSBE – TCPC members as a major infraction of the philosophy, purpose, and intent of this organization.
The NSBE – TCPC shall participate and support the current NSBE Regional structure.
Section 1. Each alumni member shall be entitled to one vote in all chapter general body meetings in which membership is held. Membership is defined by nationally and locally paid membership dues.
Section 2. Affiliate members shall not be entitled to vote in national elections (i.e. Alumni National Executive Board). They are entitled as paid affiliate and chapter members to vote on chapter level initiatives.
Section 1. Annual membership dues shall consist of local dues, set by and paid to the TCPC chapter, and national dues, set by and paid to the national organization.
Section 2. Local dues for graduate engineering students, immediate baccalaureate engineering graduates, and recent (within one year) NSBE student members shall be reviewed annually by the NSBE-TCPC Executive Board.
Section 3. Local dues shall be reviewed by the NSBE-TCPC Executive Board in conjunction with the setting (typically annually) or modification of national dues by the National Executive Board.
Section 4. Changes in membership dues can be made only by a two-thirds vote of the alumni members upon the recommendation of the Executive Board.
Section 5. Dues cannot and will not be prorated.
Section 1. There shall be an Executive Board of the NSBE – TCPC which shall consist of the:
(A) President
(B) Vice-President
(C) Secretary
(D) Treasurer
(E) Standing Committee Chairs
Programs Chair
IT Chair
Collegiate Liaison Chair
Professional Development Chair
Membership Chair
Corporate Relations Chair
(F) Delegate
Section 2. The chapter Executive Board shall:
(A) Determine all questions of policy and shall administer the affairs of the NSBE – TCPC according to the Constitution and Alumni Operating Guidelines.
(B) Be subject to the orders of the National Executive Board and the Alumni membership, and none of its acts shall conflict with decisions made by the vote of the general body, or the goals and objectives of NSBE;
(C) Not receive any salary for service;
(D) Make recommendations to the NSBE Alumni;
(E) Coordinate activities of the NSBE – TCPC;
(F) Initiate and execute policies deemed necessary for the day-to day operations of the chapter.
Section 1. All elected office will be held by members in good standing as defined by Article III – Membership.
Section 2. The elected offices of the NSBE – TCPC are:
(A) President
(B) Vice-President
(C) Secretary
(D) Treasurer
Section 3. The Executive Board – Elect shall take office ninety (90) days after the election and shall serve a one year term.
Section 4. Vacancies
(A) Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the unexplored term shall be filled by the Vice-President.
(B) Should a vacancy occur in any other office, the unexplored term shall be filled by appointment by the President and two-thirds approval of the Executive Board.
Section 5. There shall be a Parliamentarian appointed by the President and approved by the executive board to serve as a resource on parliamentary procedures and act as sergeant-at- arms.
Section 6. Election of officers shall take place annually, prior to the NSBE National Convention.
Section 1. The duties of elected officers are:
(A) President:
i) Shall preside over all meetings of the chapter.
ii) Shall serve as local and national chapter representative.
iii) Shall appoint standing committee chairpersons with the consent of the executive board, except where otherwise provided for in this document.
iv) Shall serve as an ex-officio member of all standing committees and oversee their activities.
v) Shall not be entitled to vote on chapter issues while presiding over meetings with the exception of ties and elections.
vi) Shall have the general powers and duties of management usually invested in the office of President including general supervision, direction and control of the business affairs of the association, and more specifically annual registration of the chapter on NSBE-Online and periodic update of the TCPC website with current operating year officers.
(B) Vice-President:
i) Shall act in the absence or inability of the president
ii) Shall perform any activities, duties and tasks designated by the president.
iii) Shall serve as regional representative for the chapter.
(C) Secretary:
i) Shall fill out and countersign all certificates issued and make proper entries in the books of the chapter.
ii) Shall serve all notices required by law or NSBE by-laws.
iii) Shall accurately record the minutes of the general body and executive board meetings.
iv) Shall report the minutes of the previous meeting at the present meeting and make approved minutes available to the membership at large.
v) Shall keep a register of the names, addresses, telephone numbers and electronic mail addresses of current officers and members.
vi) Shall maintain a copy of the most recent version of the chapter Constitution.
vii) Shall require from standing committees a record of the activities of said body.
viii) Shall render reports to the general body, executive board, and national office as required by the National Operating Guidelines.
(D) Treasurer:
i) Shall keep accounts and deposit chapter funds. Accounts should reflect the financial condition, business transactions, assets, liabilities, properties, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses and financial trends of the chapter.
ii) Shall maintain a membership roll and document annual dues.
iii) Shall report on the current financial status of each member.
iv) Shall ensure that expenditures made for the chapter are justified and approved by the executive board.
(E) Committee Chairs:
i) Shall execute the duties of the committee.
Section 1. There shall be six standing committees with provisions for the creation of more as needed. The six committees are:
(A) Membership
(B) Finance
(C) Programs
(D) College Liaison
(E) Professional Development
(F) Communications
(G) Pre-College Initiative
Section 2. The duties of the six committees are:
(A) Membership:
i) Shall coordinate the recruitment and retaining of alumni members.
ii) Shall process membership applications.
iii) Shall welcome and orient new members.
iv) Shall focus on membership retention.
v) Shall report the chapter membership roll to the national office and ensure payment of dues has been received by the treasurer from each member.
vi) Shall partner with Programs Chair to develop programs that will benefit professional general members.
(B) Finance:
i) Shall develop and implement the strategy to ensure the financial strength of the chapter.
(C) Programs:
i) Shall coordinate the programs and professional development activities to meet the goals and objectives of the chapter.
ii) Shall partner with Membership chair to develop programs that will benefit professional members.
(D) Student Liaison:
i) Shall act as an interface, resource and support system for the NSBE student chapters.
(E) Corporate Relations Liaison:
i) Shall act as an interface to local corporations and coordinate all corporate partnership information including sourcing of donations/funds utilizing the corporate sponsorship letters.
ii) Shall establish and foster relationship with other NSBE Professional chapters, and other professional chapters in the area, all but not limited Black MBA, NABA, SWE, and SHPE.
(F) NSBE Net Liaison (IT):
i) Shall develop and maintain the chapter internet web page.
Section 3. The executive board will create committees and appoint chairpersons as needs arises.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the NSBE – TCPC shall concur with that of the national organization (August 1st - July 31st).
Section 1. The general membership and the executive board shall meet at least quarterly.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the president, vice-president and two-thirds of general membership, or a majority of the executive board, or a majority of the general members, provided that notice is given seven (7) days in advance of the intended date of the meeting to the executive board, extended board and/or chapter as applicable. In order to transact business at such meetings, a quorum of the people that voted to have the meeting must be present.
Section 3. The duration of meetings should not exceed one and one-half hours.
Section 4. Meeting time and place should be determined by either consensus, voting, or the discretion of the president.
Section 5. The NSBE – TCPC shall attend the annual NSBE Convention in order to
1) promote technical expertise, professionalism, networking, and fellowship among engineers;
2) manage, plan, coordinate, and implement NSBE business functions;
3) review the past fiscal year of the national organization.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the general membership.
Section 2. Proposed amendments must be submitted in written form by an alumni member to the executive board to be reviewed. The proposal must be clearly stated and justified.
Section 3. Ratification of any amendment to this constitution shall be subject to a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the NSBE – TCPC.
Section 1. The NSBE – TCPC shall be organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.).
Section 2. No part of the net earnings of the NSBE – TCPC shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the NSBE – TCPC shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501(c)(3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the NSBE – TCPC shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the NSBE – TCPC shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
Section 3. Upon the dissolution of NSBE – TCPC, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, i.e., charitable, educational, religious or scientific, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.